Contact Lenses
Contact Lenses are a great alternative to improve vision without worrying about wearing glasses or performing eye surgery. Soft Lenses are typically made out of Silicone Hydrogel material and can be worn for a period of either daily, biweekly, or monthly. There are only a subset of lenses that can be worn overnight, and that can change eye color. RGP (Rigid Gas Permeable) or Hard Lenses, are an older style lens. At See More Eye Care, we can evaluate and fit for all contact lenses without limit. regardless of astigmatism and presbyopia, allowing our wiser patients to be able to see both far and near with just the contact lenses. We also offer specialized Scleral and Hybrid level fitting for patients diagnosed with Corneal Errors such as Keratoconus
Extended-wear disposable
Soft lenses are worn for a period of time (usually one to six days) and then discarded. Lenses are also available to wear from one to 30 days.
Some things to remember about contact lenses
Many patients are concerned with using contact lenses due to cosmetic appearances or dry eye history. At See More Eye Care, we are dedicated to providing advanced eye care solutions to help make you more confident and successful in your ocular journey. We offer IPL Optilight, a revolutionary state-of-the-art FDA approved light therapeutic treatment device, to rejuvenate the glands in the eyelids responsible for distributing healthy tears, thereby mediating dryness. This way, we can help patients achieve more permanent relief instead of temporary solutions such as artificial tear eye drops or warm compresses.